Through this work, the desire to rediscover the original value of things, to restore to the home its primal calling.
We seek refuge. A place of our own, where we can live in deep and naked intimacy. A place of protection, of truth, of security. That place has always been called home.
A space outside of time, where silence reigns, not necessarily devoid of words, but a silence of peace and harmony.
There, where we desire to embrace those we love; there, where worries and joys find asylum; there, the place from which we depart and to which we wish to return.
Emotionally dense with all the feelings we nurture, the home becomes a mirror of the soul. Those walls cease, thus, to be a simple amalgamation of bricks and concrete, concealing within them something higher, an "Other" aspect that renders them sacred.
Here find space sweet rituals, daily gestures, precious care that we offer to ourselves and to loved ones to honor ourselves.
Stripped of its accessory meaning, finally, the home reclaims its true essence, returning to being a place of worship, a temple.
All temples, religious cults, spiritual tendencies, as extremely different as they may be, have as their common goal the search for the sincere essence of humanity and relationships.
The temple, in time and space, is a place of mediation between the human and the divine, and it proposes itself as the place where we manage to rediscover the original value of things, a path that leads us to knowledge and discovery of meaning.
Thus, making the home a temple is an act destined to go beyond mere inspiration or particular decoration, coming to represent the construction of a unique and personal area, an environment that celebrates the sacredness of our lives.
A place to feel, to feel free, to feel at home.