Our principle is to harmonize diversity while maintaining both individuality and the awareness that, essentially, we are One, and this, through us, translates into the relational and creative aspects.

PATTERNON's practical mission is to create an Alliance, a Chain of "Partners" People, materials, processes, and technologies that in their apparent diversity come together and give rise to a creative laboratory with multiple and infinite possibilities, which will give rise to the three W: a new Way, a new Wonder, a new World.

We have a responsibility towards the environment and promote a more balanced approach to the use of natural resources. We seek awareness and Integration in the natural cycle, where the elements of each phase serve as raw material for the next phase. Giving themselves through decomposition, they generate new life for another phase.

We allocate, at minimum, one-tenth of our income as a donation to Good Works mainly in the educational, technical training, and professionalization fields.

These donations are for us a gesture of gratitude towards the ONE to whom we owe everything.